Artist Inspired project - October 2018 (Drawing I)
The artist I chose and was inspired by for the project was Valeria Alevra. Alevra’s work centers around the use of flowers, often collages. Many of her collages contain a room, building, or some kind of architectural element, collaged with flowers. For my project, I chose to photograph three of the most significant places on the campus of the University of Notre Dame (The Basilica, Grotto, and Golden Dome) and use acrylic paint to add flowers over certain parts of each photograph. The flowers I chose to imitate each have some type of significance. For example, Peonies are the state flower of Indiana, white flowers are used to represent purity, red flowers represent love and respect, and Orange flowers represent enthusiasm and excitement, etc. I chose to paint flowers of all these colors in order to represent the emotions I have felt within the first few months of my time at the university as well as the significance of each of the places photographed.