This project is the final piece created for my Figure Drawing class. The piece was created digitally using Adobe Illustrator. The work was inspired by various surrealist and abstract pieces and intends to make its viewer both intrigued and uncomfortable, creating the inability to look away. The use of hands and eyeballs calls to the idea that the hands and the eyes both act as gateways to the true emotions of a person as well as deceivers. I chose to use harsh and unrealistic colors when creating the hands to create a feeling of unease and draw from the abstract. The hands are intentionally placed in a frame of night sky to create the appearance that they are floating in space and may not be attached to anything beyond the frame. The various eyeballs placed in the protruding hands further the sense of discomfort and emphasize the role of the hands and the eyes in revealing (or hiding) ones true emotions. 

Don't Be Deceived
Digital Art
May 2020

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