In the first photograph I wanted to capture her bright and happy personality. In the second photograph I wanted to play around with water on a sheet of glass and see how that would alter the way the our eyes look at the image. I found that by having her lay on the ground and hold the sheet of glass above her face, I was able to create the appearance that she is underwater.

I chose to create a cohesive set of images for my photographs of Lynne. I shattered a small mirror and had her hold the pieces while I photographed from behind. I found that the subject comes across as more hidden and reserved when they are only being seen through a small piece of mirror. I feel that by only enabling the viewer to see a small part of my subjects face, it creates a sense suspense and a desire to see the rest of the face.

For my self portrait I initially struggled to determine how I wanted to photograph myself but ultimately found I was most comfortable outside of the studio. I photographed on a sunny day and found that there were many interesting ways I could play with how the sunlight coming through the window hit my face. I wanted to create two different but cohesive images by moving around to create different light on my face and changing my facial expressions.